Saturday, August 6, 2011

Taking the Pledge

I, Madelaine, sign up as a participant of Self-Stitched-Sept '11. I endeavour to wear one piece of handmade clothing each day for the duration of September 2011. Handmade accessories are nice but only count as extras.

You may remember my previous attempt at one of Zoe's challenges, but most likely not. That's because I only had four handmade garments that were wearable, one of which (the blue skirt) was an emergency stitch up. I ended up wearing a lacy knit scarf most days just to give it a good try. As you can see, I was also terrible at documentation photos. Lots of bad mirror shots. I think I lasted a week. 

 I have a few plans to make this time go smoother. One is that instead of daily photos, I'm going to keep a chart of what pieces I wear each day. This will hopefully prove useful in figuring out what I want to make more of in the future, by seeing what I actually like to wear. Keep an eye open for my other idea on Monday.

Anyone else joining in?

1 comment:

Zoe said...

Lovely to have you back on board again and up for challenging yourself some more! Don't be so hard on yourself about the docuementation, that's not the real challenge. Your photos last time were great, but I do understand the impulse to want to display your endeavour in a cohesive way. I hope you enjoy SSS'11, see you in a month!